Discipline Code
1. Rudeness to teachers and unkind behavior to other students in the school premises or in the school vans will always be treated as very serious matter.
2. Do not use bad language or behavior.
3. Never try to solve problems by fighting.
4. Always rise when the Principal, teacher or visitor enter or pass through any room in which you happen to be alone or with classmates.
5. Running, playing or shouting inside the school premises is not allowed.
6. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
7. Behave courteously to all rich or poor, regardless of caste, creed, colour or religion.
8. Should stand up for our principles, even if we stand alone.
A. The following acts and conducts on the part of the students will amount to misconduct.
I) Misbehavior towards teachers or any other employee of the school.
ii) Intentional disturbance of classes.
iii) Absence from classes without the permission of the teacher / Principal.
iv) Damaging school property.
v) Indulging in physical violence in any manner in the school.
vi) Disobeying lawful orders of the teacher/Principal.
vii) Bringing unauthorized articles/instruments.
viii) When students move along the corridors and when changing class, they must maintain silence and walk in a single line keeping left.
ix) Students are expected to speak only in ENGLISH during school hours.
B. In case of misconduct, school shall take action as per observation which may involve:
1. Oral warning to the student
2. Written warnings
3. Suspension of one day from classes/ school/ period after three written warnings.
4. Final written warning in case of no improvement.
5. Suspension of one week.